
tgif. bringing down the roof.

So I've debated on if I am going to share renovating pics throughout this whole process or just wait til the end of the big effect of the Before & After's side by side. Of course, I prefer B&A together- but we could be looking at 6 weeks before that point and I just can't imagine you guys waiting that long.... Anyway, while I let that marinate in my mind a little while longer, I'll at least share a sneak peek...
Morgan & I
Morgan helped out with a little ceiling removal and has been quite the trooper.  Somehow, I have managed to be the messiest [that is truly an understatement] ceiling scraper.
Here's the process, we have our garden sprayer, as you see pictured.  Fill that sucker up with hot water and some vinegar [of course, my measurements vary every time- so just use personal interpretation].  Spray an area of the ceiling pretty well then get on the ladder and scrape and spray simultaneously.
Now my personal secret to success is the safety goggles.  [I got them in college for some analysis work I did at a factory.  Tell me you're not impressed].  Well- they may not lead to my success as much as my mess... You see, putting the protective eye ware on somehow made be invincible as I began to spray and scrape directly above my head.  Not one of my brighter ideas, but, efficient.
Of course, I managed better than Mom.  Precious Pat-Pat, she had a difficult time getting started with this project.  It creates a lot of dust and debris and handling that is half the battle. So, I so selflessly lent Mom the cherished eye ware and fetched her a mask to cover her nose and mouth.  Immediately, it's like she forgot how to breath with the barriers covering her face.  Then, she insisted that the goggles impaired her eye sight, and proceed to lose all depth perception and misstep off the ladder.  All of this is not a good combo and led to Ma being put on paint duty.
I must say, though, Dad has exceeded all expectations and has put in some dedicated service... then again, ain't that what Dad's are for?!
So there's my lovely first home update.  I am gathering any willing soul to join me tomorrow to [hopefully] put a major dent in our work... so, stay tuned.
Aside from home details, my brothers have been major cute by keeping me informed with funny happenings that would be "great for the blog".  [Remember: age 16 & 23.  So- the awareness they have of how "funny" they are is...special].  I'll weed through their submissions and get back to you with some blog worthy tales.  In the mean time, have a super weekend!!

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