
happy friday.

another week- flew by.  this is the weekend of finishing projects for me.  for starters, let's talk lamps.
Remember this beaut?
 Well... I have this shade in my living room and decided it could use some sprucing.

So - I visited my local Hancock and got a few fabrics from the remnants bin. Picked out 3 fabric sections for under $3.  The first was a felt like fabric.  I cut small circles out of this one... 
 Then, I folded the circle in half, the in half again, and clipped the point off of the folded fabric.   This allowed for a flat surface for me to apply hot glue to.  So, I glued the flat surface to a circle cut out, starting in the center and working my way out...

this was the finished first flower.... 
And here it is in relation to the shade... 
I went with this method from memory of random flower research.  But... decided it didn't have the impact I needed.  So, I refreshed my memory by visiting Jones Design Company and remembered to do this ... 
cut out flower shapes.  this is fabric #2.  semi- linen
and I combined the cut out flowers with the cut out circles for this flower... 
Anyway, I repeated method one to made a linen smaller flower and combined the 3 to make this cluster...

extremely pleased.  i'm ready to put flowers on everything.  
Welp. It's Friday. So. hopefully I'll have more to come.... until then, cheers!


lovely things.

is this not to-die-for?

crap... I don't even remember where I stole this from!  I'll keep you posted... 
anyway.  been working on a few weekend projects. i  will sure let you in on the details...when my precious MacBook returns from the doctor!


a month later...

So it's been nearly a month since my last post.  bless my heart.  in the words of Sister Hazel - Life Got in the Way.  I guess, I've somewhat been ashamed because [somehow] i have zero creative inspiration.  Regardless, I'm going to plow through and come out stronger.

For starters.  I finally put a Santa gift into use.: knobs!

 I decide to use 2 different knobs on the piece.  The above floral and the below glass knobs.  I kept the old ones of the drawers.
 This has added a special little touch to the hutch.  I will say - I am still itching to paint it. It looks great now.  But you'll notice above, you can see the outline of the previous knob.  That's not gonna leave unless it's covered.  The color in my mind is a taupe... more gray than brown. And a color on the interior.... we'll see...

I also got a cute little hanger for our aprons.  Loving that the kitchen is FINALLY coming together....
So check it out.  I've become re-addicted to my blog roll lately... and this week I stumbled across this beauty.  You and I both know - flowers are sure something special.  After seeing this pic, I was completely inspired.  I have just the lamp.  So - my Friday-day-off-project will include something like the above.... stay tuned!
{in case you're keeping track, this Friday-day-off-project list is growing incredibly long!  I have 2 end tables, 1 chair, 1 bookshelf, several curtains, etc on this list.  #workcutoutforme [i never use hashtags in twitter world so wanted to throw one in]}

Welp.  Wednesday night church.  Tonight's going to be a party!!  Baptism!  So, more later!