
if i could do it again.

We are oh-so-close to the weekend... i can't hardly wait!  
It's somehow been a busy day- one of those where I just don't know where it went!  And its left me without any creative juices to my name.  Of course, I must give the people what they want! Ergo, I am still blogging an entry for the day. 
I am dealing with a few post-college blues this week [among everything else] as it seems so many freshman have been moving into their dorms or are making their way to school in the coming days.  So, I thought, as a way to pay tribute, I would share with you all a picture from my very first day at Lee University.  Of course, Abby and I were super cool and coordinated all of our bedding. Little did we know that would be the first day of the best year ever.  If I could do it again....  
I packed my lunch today, determined to cut costs and calories at the same time.  Of course, when 11:45 rolled around, my turkey sandwich didn't look so tasty.  And Stu just had to come in and invite me to  join his crew.  So I went [with what is affectionately going to be called by me the Lunch Club- just because it's cool to have a crew to go to lunch with, right Stu?] to this wonderful new Japanese place.  Let's just say, I made the right choice.  I tried to take a picture of the group, but realized how creepy it appeared to do it without asking.  And boys always tend to dislike photographs, so maybe next time.
So back to work and I was reading through some influential church blogs.  I came across this quote on one: "a church "for" the culture engages the culture in order to transform it."  I thought the line perfectly captured what I am passionate about and so, decided to share that with you  all.  You're welcome.
Speaking of you all, I ran into one of my biggest [and only] fans at Target last night.  Oddly enough, she quoted me from my blog and knew more about my recent life than my mom does.  So thank you Paula.  She did point out her disappointment in me for missing a few "before" pictures.  And so I just needed to go ahead with a disclaimer that I have quite a few projects coming up wherein you will have to visualize on your own what the before picture looked like. I didn't realize I'd become a famous blogger so quickly and would need pics!!
Well I have a love for yellow accessories these days [for some reason, I just can't bring myself to consider yellow walls though].  So, here's a touch of yellow for the new couch! I got the dotted fabric on sale at Hancock and recovered an old old pillow.  The yellow flower is cut out of scraps of felt we had laying around.  I sewed the petals together and pinch the center to give them depth.  There are three flowers and I actually just pinned them to the pillow.

And lastly, the house update [i know you are all on pins and needles wondering whats next].  Possible possession of the house [as a renter] Sunday.  keep those fingers crossed!
chao for now!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for missing my shout out Miz Love. I think I must have been overwhelmed with the hubs turning 50.
