
light at the end of the tunnel getting oh-so-close.

Goodness, it's been ages.  [Yes- I am aware we got through this conversation every single Monday].
I think these last few days have been busy to the max.  Between moving in, getting settled, finishing touches, G-parent visit, yard saling, friend/family time, and church, it has been go-go-go!  [Of course, I'm not complaining].

For starters, you need to know that I have officially stayed overnight at my place 4 nights in a row.  4 glorious nights! This morning, I actually woke up, brewed a cup of coffee, and just sat in my living room and smiled. Just because I am oh so pleased.  The house is beautiful! Like, I wouldn't change a thing- it is the house that I am so excited [& proud] to live in.
I even have the shelves stocked with dishes.

So I am just going to take this moment to say my parents are out-of-this world and major troupers. The amount of time they've put into this house is incredible and I am blessed, blessed. That being said- we aren't quite done.  Therefore, I am now going to share a FEW afters [Hall Bath & Master Bedroom] --but note, it's not decorated.  Its just there.  
Remember the before?
notice the VCT and odd vanity...
And of course the "during"...
Gutted almost completely. 

After!!  New tile and vanity.
Ballet Slipper Pink walls, new toilet, new mirror/light fixture...
Before- Master Bedroom.  Notice the olive green carpet.
I just wish you could smell the before as well.  yuck.

Post carpet removal. We tackled the [nasty] closets first

Then later added Plum Wine to the walls...

and a fresh coat of paint to the base boards...

Add carpet and some furniture & check it out!
 Yea, I'm obsessed with these transformations.  Lol.  Of course, I am aware this is a lot to take in, so I'll save some more for tomorrow!
I did get to celebrate mom's bday with the fam! 
We enjoyed this beautiful spread.... 
sang to Mom... 
ate this cake... 
watched JT style G-pa's hair....

so they could be twins... 
 Basically, fun night.
 Well.  Enough for now.  Cheers.
Among other things you want to stay tuned for:  Yard Sales with Brittany from a day in the life of b. &
Craft time for fall decor.  


  1. sarah, the bathroom looks incredible! I'm so excited for you!

  2. Maddie- I would love love for you to come see the house!!
    ps- did you like the action shot I included of us painting? haha

  3. i would love to come see it soon! tell your brother he needs to take me! Im glad that if you had to include a picture of me working, that it was one of me from a distance! lol As you are doing the decorating remember to have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful! Have fun making your house a home!! xoxo
