
7 things I love about today!

First off, let's give credit to the fact that its finally Friday!!!  Next.  I just want to share with you everything I love about today.  And cheesy as it sounds, I just woke up with incredible joy today [which, as I always, say, is the joy of the Lord]. And it just seems nothing can stop me with it.
1.  Well, I love today because it comes right after yesterday. And last night, we had the absolute best time! I've mentioned that I love my friends and am certain they were sent to me straight from God for such a time as this.  Anyway, we had a last minute bonfire/ marshmellow roast/ and pumpkin carving fall party at my crib.  Brittany made hot cocoa, Dusty and Bry and Sammy made a fire in the fire pit [borrowed from brother Stu], and Kelly, Emily, and Sarah brought beautiful orange pumpkins.  
The fire was perfect! Emily insisted we play Chubby Bunny; Sammy and Katherine were great sports and competed for our entertainment. After that, the carving began. Not gonna lie, carving is plain tough.
Brian & me.

Britt, Emily, Kelly, and Sar

Emily, Kelly, me, Sarah N., Katherine.
 *The remains of Brittany's pumpkin form the "helmet" on Em's pumpkin
After pumpkins, we nearly burned the house down cooking the seeds...
But of course, that didn't steel our fun.  
2.  Another reason I love today is this. I woke up early and got a little crafty.  Inspired by this photo that Brittany shared with me....
Britt- do you have photo cred for this? 
I decided to take some tape and a brush to my closet doors in my room....

I did two separate designs [as you can see] but i think this will be absolutely beautiful next to that plum wine wall, huh? I'll show you pics after the install!
3.  Next, I got to have a wonderful catch up lunch at Panera today with my long lost friend Emily [Allen] from back in the day. It was perfect and a breath of fresh air and encouragement!
4.  Then, I scored a free Pumpkin Spice Latte from sbux [Venti no less!!!] from the super sweet sales lady...
5. and this Beautiful friend of mine asked me to be in her wedding...
me & Jenna [DZT formal '10]
She is marrying a guy named Gavin and their relationship is as precious as can be.  Jenna is like family to me and I am overJOYed to be a part!
6.  And to top all of this off, my other long lost friend, Bailey Joy, is coming in town for a visit THIS weekend!
She's my crafting buddy. This is homemade headband night.
7. I closed a sale I've been working on since early August today and boy am I excited.  Such a nice church to work with - makes me love my job!

So there you have it. 7 things I love about today. 
I sure hope that you all reading this have a great Friday too.  Enjoy the weather and the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah!
    We were carving pumpkins again today for a big halloween hospital party tomorrow and I learned 2 cool things about carving pumpkins i wanted to share! 1- put Vasaline all around the places you cut out. It holds in the moisture and keeps your pumpkin looking pretty longer. 2- Sprinkle cinnamon and nutmeg on the inside of your pumpkin. When you light the candle, it smells incredible! It fills your whole house!
