
If you want the yellow jacket update...

Well.  Its Wednesday- the day before Thanksgiving.  I went to bed last night without setting an alarm and woke up naturally today later than I have in a while.  I put my slippers on, made a pot of coffee, and caught up on blogs that have been neglected.  Can you say perfect morning?
Anyway.  Remember the yellow jacket fiasco?  Well.  Saturday night, my eye became inflamed and extremely itchy.  I woke up Sunday morning to an eye swollen shut.  For your own good, I avoided taking a picture.  Needless to say, this prolonged discomfort truly fueled dad and my anger toward these little beasts.  We decided we would attack early in the morning while the temps were just below 50 degrees [I read somewhere that they can't fly as fast when they are cold].  Initially, we were a bit overwhelmed as to what to do. Maybe just finish the yard without disturbing the colony?  A few minutes into this, we were not satisfied.  At this point, Dad turned to me and suggested he get into his car and run them over.  While this would provide incredible footage to look back on and laugh, we concluded that this would mainly anger the yellow jackets without for sure killing them.  So we pulled out the big guns: fire.  Now let me just say.  Dad was dressed for combat complete with a full layer of sweats, hooded  jacket, face mask, and gloves.  [yes, i was wearing my winter coat with a hood as well.  better safe than sorry.  of course, i refused to come anywhere near the colony].  We found matches and decided lighting an old rag might be most affective.  We tossed the lite rag into where we assumed the colony was located and just watched it burn.  With our water hose in hand in case of emergency, we kept the fire going.  Slowly, we began to see confused yellow jackets circling, at which point we sprayed them with bug killer.  Dad decide to take advantage of the freedom and work on cutting down a few more bushes.  Soon after, I see him run, screaming down the middle of the road.  Yes, he was fearing the worst- that somehow a yellow jacket got into his bullet proof outfit. Though I never saw a yellow jacket on him, he swears he was being attacked and that he defeated them. 
The good news is, I photographed and filmed this entire fiasco.  Unfortunately, my beloved iPhone crashed Monday night before I had a chance to back up the pics.  [Also unfortunately, I hadn't backed up my phone since early September... SO, i lost some good stuff.]
So where are they now? That's a good question.  After Dad left, the fear crept back in and I haven't gone anywhere near the bush.  Luckily, the yard looks incredibly better :)

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