
finally friday!

Friday.  Finally!  Has this week inched by or is it just me?  
Ok- let me take a second to mention my sweet neighborhood.  The homes have been around since the late 60's/ early 70's and most of the owners around me are the original homeowners.  [Did I mention that I grew up in the house 2 doors down from me? fun fact.]  So, as we've gone about re-doing the place, several neighbors have stopped by to check on progress.  They don't mind letting themselves in and are unashamed to look through my windows- even if someone is inside. [this is absolutely no exaggeration].  I guess being my neighbor entitles them to home details?  As I was leaving for work this morning, I made note of my neighbor, Maddie [the one we caught peaking in the window] having work trucks in her driveway- and then realized, she's had some company over every day for the last two weeks. It seems that all over our over-hauling has inspired someone [keeping up with the Jones'!]. Anyway- enough of my useless banter.  
I made time last night to sit in front of the sew machine and crank out some curtains! [err, finish what mom had started].  So excited to finally have something other than a sheet hanging over my windows.  
night view. 

Ok. curtain details.  I bought top sheets from Walmart [@ $4 a piece] and found this yellow leafy fabric from Hancock [@ approx. $3/yard....bought 6 yrds- prob used 4 on this project].  From there I just measured and went for it.  The sheets are hanging horizontally and let me say- its a ton of fabric and hard to manage!!  You'll notice, the two panels don't match up exactly.  I need to take about 2 in off the left side top so that the yellow meets in the middle.  But hey, $20 for curtains.  Beat that.  [Also, found the rod- 108 in- on clearance at Lowes for about $20 and then 2 packs of drapery rings from Walmart- $4 each].  Grand total- approx $45. Didn't I mention I was on a budget? 
Unfortunately, as I was hanging these last night, I notice this... .

its a pretty substantial crack in the ceiling right where we took down the wall and added new ceiling.  This was heart breaking because I know Dad worked incredibly hard on this-  layers and layers of drywall compound, tons of sanding, and multiple coats of ceiling paint.  Ugh.  Weekend project I guess?

I guess thats all for now!  I have a MAJOR week next week so stay tuned for some details :)
Enjoy the beautiful weekend....

1 comment:

  1. Love the new curtains! The living room is coming together quite well! I'm really loving it! Just to clarify, that's not me in your window! lol But how creepy is that, that a woman is peeking in your window?! Eww!
