
christmas time!!

yet again, an incredible amount of time has passed since gracing your guys with my words.  my sincere apology. 
I guess a lot has happened... I mean- thanksgiving. 
I enjoyed some time in Cleveland, TN with the family...
I even put an apron on and joined the ladies in the kitchen...

Then, some crazy idea came over Emily and I.  To go to Target when it opened.  So, I give you my Friday AM---4am that is.  Yes. It is cold and rainy in this pick and the front door is finally in sight.  This experience was truly like nothing else.  Evidently, people had been in line since 5pm Thursday. 

Emily and I picked out a few purchases....

Black Friday managed to still be a success though.  Mom and I shopped til we dropped. The woke up Saturday and shopped some more... 

Moving on. I was so glad to return home to my Augusta friends and new home and church family.  Sunday morning flew by in a rush [as my first Sunday on the job] and I enjoyed a lovely lunch with my typcial lunch crew.  love it.  And then, convince Emily [different Em] and Dusty to go pick out a Christmas tree with me.  We went to Gay's Christmas Tree farm on Tobacco road and picked out this beauty....
And sweet Dustin chopped it down for me...

Next step.  Decorating.  Tomorrow night!  No worries, there will be pictures. 


If you want the yellow jacket update...

Well.  Its Wednesday- the day before Thanksgiving.  I went to bed last night without setting an alarm and woke up naturally today later than I have in a while.  I put my slippers on, made a pot of coffee, and caught up on blogs that have been neglected.  Can you say perfect morning?
Anyway.  Remember the yellow jacket fiasco?  Well.  Saturday night, my eye became inflamed and extremely itchy.  I woke up Sunday morning to an eye swollen shut.  For your own good, I avoided taking a picture.  Needless to say, this prolonged discomfort truly fueled dad and my anger toward these little beasts.  We decided we would attack early in the morning while the temps were just below 50 degrees [I read somewhere that they can't fly as fast when they are cold].  Initially, we were a bit overwhelmed as to what to do. Maybe just finish the yard without disturbing the colony?  A few minutes into this, we were not satisfied.  At this point, Dad turned to me and suggested he get into his car and run them over.  While this would provide incredible footage to look back on and laugh, we concluded that this would mainly anger the yellow jackets without for sure killing them.  So we pulled out the big guns: fire.  Now let me just say.  Dad was dressed for combat complete with a full layer of sweats, hooded  jacket, face mask, and gloves.  [yes, i was wearing my winter coat with a hood as well.  better safe than sorry.  of course, i refused to come anywhere near the colony].  We found matches and decided lighting an old rag might be most affective.  We tossed the lite rag into where we assumed the colony was located and just watched it burn.  With our water hose in hand in case of emergency, we kept the fire going.  Slowly, we began to see confused yellow jackets circling, at which point we sprayed them with bug killer.  Dad decide to take advantage of the freedom and work on cutting down a few more bushes.  Soon after, I see him run, screaming down the middle of the road.  Yes, he was fearing the worst- that somehow a yellow jacket got into his bullet proof outfit. Though I never saw a yellow jacket on him, he swears he was being attacked and that he defeated them. 
The good news is, I photographed and filmed this entire fiasco.  Unfortunately, my beloved iPhone crashed Monday night before I had a chance to back up the pics.  [Also unfortunately, I hadn't backed up my phone since early September... SO, i lost some good stuff.]
So where are they now? That's a good question.  After Dad left, the fear crept back in and I haven't gone anywhere near the bush.  Luckily, the yard looks incredibly better :)


is it really friday?

Gracious.  its end of day Friday. And this is the first blog post all week.  Eeek. Sorry.
So where even to begin?!
Well- you remember how I bought a house?  Except it kept falling through? And we had several closing dates that just never happened?  I know I have kept you guys out of the loop- but now I'm ready to fill you in!  Okay... here's the timeline...
July 10: found the house and fell in love [yes- the first and only house my parents and I walked through]
July 11: placed an offer on the house [with low expectations because we offered less]
July 12: offer was accepted!
July 30: closing date!
July 29: just couldn't get my paperwork taken care of in time...
Aug 9: closing date #2! [and jury duty... haha] [didn't happen!  got word that we could close soon!]
Aug 15: closing date #3.... still didn't happen.  BUT we signed a renters agreement and got full access to the house.
Aug 17: Began RENOVATING... starting with popcorn ceilings [ugh]
and daily work begins....
Aug 22: [against better judgement] tore down a wall.
okay... fast forward several weeks.  The plan= close before September ends. 
[at this point- we know that there were title issues that had to be sorted]
we continue to work.
September ends.  Maybe close in October?
Lay floors and move in the second week in Oct. 
October ends. 
Nov 15: Official closing date [#4- but who's counting?]
Thanks right.  This week, I officially took ownership of my house!!
So that happened Monday, and Tuesday, I started a new job. You heard it right. 2 life changing days in a row.  You're talking to the new Director of Children's Ministries at Stevens Creek.  [talk about being on cloud 9]  Yep. I'm loving every second so far.  Couldn't be happier.
In other news.  Found this adorable piece to hang above my bed.  Perfect subtle glam.

I'm pleased with the turnout.  For sure. $24 from Marshalls.  And yes, those are jewels.
Also- Mom and I showed up at lunch today wearing nearly the same outfit.  Same top, different colors. Same jeans. Same flats [in diff colors] and even same socks.  Out. Of. Control.

Okay. And last but not least.  Today, Dad and I began to work on the yard, which hasn't been touched since probably June. I had major overgrown bushes that needed removal.  So, Dad and I eagerly got to work, cutting down branches, ripping them out, and straight up down-sizing.  And then, the unthinkable happened.  Dad was using his chain saw and suddenly dropped it in pain.  Rubbing his arm, he runs towards me.  I soon realized he had been stung.  By [killer] [angry] yellow jackets.  It seems my bushes have been housing a colony of yellow jackets.  It's safe to say there were thousands of yellow jackets.
Wikipedia: In the southeastern United States, where southern yellowjacket (Vespula squamosa) nests may persist through the winter, colony sizes of this species may reach 100,000 adult wasps.
Dad and I race to the street, away from the angry creatures, swatting as quickly as we could.  Then i felt a terrible sting. on. my. face.  Yes. the yellow jacket decided to sting me between the eyes.  Screaming, dad and I made way into the house, safe from the villains.  Dad made it out with only 3 stings.  And me- just the one.  But wow.  What intense pain.  My forehead began to swell and I had the worst headache ever.  After a little more Wikipedia research, we found this is the absolute worst time of year to agitate a colony [as it is as it's peak size].  Dad got brave two hours later and decided to suit up [in his winter coat and worker gloves] and finish pruning the bush.  You guessed it, bad idea.  This time, 4 yellow jackets made it into the house with him, continuing to pester us in the house. Thanks to a can of Raid, we showed them who was boss.

Moral of the story: don't mess with the yellow jackets.
More on the yard later :)
Cheers :)


finally friday!

Friday.  Finally!  Has this week inched by or is it just me?  
Ok- let me take a second to mention my sweet neighborhood.  The homes have been around since the late 60's/ early 70's and most of the owners around me are the original homeowners.  [Did I mention that I grew up in the house 2 doors down from me? fun fact.]  So, as we've gone about re-doing the place, several neighbors have stopped by to check on progress.  They don't mind letting themselves in and are unashamed to look through my windows- even if someone is inside. [this is absolutely no exaggeration].  I guess being my neighbor entitles them to home details?  As I was leaving for work this morning, I made note of my neighbor, Maddie [the one we caught peaking in the window] having work trucks in her driveway- and then realized, she's had some company over every day for the last two weeks. It seems that all over our over-hauling has inspired someone [keeping up with the Jones'!]. Anyway- enough of my useless banter.  
I made time last night to sit in front of the sew machine and crank out some curtains! [err, finish what mom had started].  So excited to finally have something other than a sheet hanging over my windows.  
night view. 

Ok. curtain details.  I bought top sheets from Walmart [@ $4 a piece] and found this yellow leafy fabric from Hancock [@ approx. $3/yard....bought 6 yrds- prob used 4 on this project].  From there I just measured and went for it.  The sheets are hanging horizontally and let me say- its a ton of fabric and hard to manage!!  You'll notice, the two panels don't match up exactly.  I need to take about 2 in off the left side top so that the yellow meets in the middle.  But hey, $20 for curtains.  Beat that.  [Also, found the rod- 108 in- on clearance at Lowes for about $20 and then 2 packs of drapery rings from Walmart- $4 each].  Grand total- approx $45. Didn't I mention I was on a budget? 
Unfortunately, as I was hanging these last night, I notice this... .

its a pretty substantial crack in the ceiling right where we took down the wall and added new ceiling.  This was heart breaking because I know Dad worked incredibly hard on this-  layers and layers of drywall compound, tons of sanding, and multiple coats of ceiling paint.  Ugh.  Weekend project I guess?

I guess thats all for now!  I have a MAJOR week next week so stay tuned for some details :)
Enjoy the beautiful weekend....


take it in.

love today.  Live it Out musical is being put on by the Creek Kids tonight! So proud of those kiddos and excited to see their smiling faces on the stage!

In other news, I snapped a few pics of some of my like, around-the-house projects lately...
Okay, this first picture is actually an item Brittany purchased from our yard sale day.  Originally brass, we used some of the white spray paint I had laying around and painted it.  [vases in the background are actually glass from Goodwill with white spray paint as well]
and then, I recently found this picture on one of the many blogs I follow.  This was confirmation for our taste...haha
Next, I have these frames.  I stole most of them from my grandma Love's [yes, the one I'm named after] attic back when I was in school.  I didn't tell her I was taking them, but somehow, she recognized each of them when visiting me in my college apt.

Anyway, now that they made it to Augusta, I wanted to give them a new life...

With a little white spray paint, these frames brought a little unity to my living room decor.  Super pleased. 

And now, to leave you with some special lyrics the kids are gonna sing tonight....

I’m gonna take it in
La-la-la-Live it out
I’m gonna build my life on what really counts
I’m gonna choose to see you the way that God sees me
Live my life unselfishly
God’s love is BIG
and LOUD
Take it in and live it out


just keeping up...

So tired from the busy weekend diving into an even busier week!  No worries though, it's the good kind of busy that puts a little extra pep in your step. In other words, I can't really complain!
I love catching up on my blog roll after a few days of being away and searching for inspiration for the week.  As I've reviewed some of my favs today, I was reminded of this beautiful shade I saw at an estate sale recently in the area... I snapped a pic hoping to recreate this at some point. Maybe one of you have done something similar?

dear cousin Abby.  
Well, I went up to Cleveland, TN for the weekend to enjoy a good ole Lee University Homecoming.  My time was full of turbo catch up convos with dearly missed friends.  I left with an incredible appreciation for those friends as well as one for my new home in Augusta.

Me and sweet friend Allie

getting pumped with our Flame Fingers...
yes...Lee University FLAMES

pep squad :)

goodness...favs.  Whit & Sarah. 
In other news....things that will take my time this week:
Creek Kids Musical: Live it Out!  [hours and hours of practice come to one great show Wednesday night!]
Finishing living room curtains! I know, I know... i'm moving slow on this one.  must. carve. out. time. soon.
And- make plans for a house warming party!  You heard it right... all of you who have inquired about coming to see the new house.. I am going to have to host a little shindig to share my home.  So stay tuned.
I'll let you with a little [very little] yard sale redo to inspire...
$0.50 at a yard sale....
add a can of left over navy spray paint... 

saw this one at Target as confirmation of my vision...

Guess my moments of distraction need to come to an end... hope you take a moment to bask in our Father's love today...



yard sale weekend.

Well. Enough time has pasted and Britt and I have done a terrible job of coordinating in order to write out our yard sale report.  So, I press on, solo.

Honestly, I didn't hold much expectation for yard sale day.  Brittany kind of convinced me.  Regardless, I showed up to pick her up around 7:45am and we hit the road.  Though we had skimmed through a newspaper the night before, we just went out on sign patrol hoping to find sales in the larger neighborhoods.  We started in the neighborhood that I honestly didn't know existed.  The first home- the prices were marked just right!  It seemed to be 3 ladies that had put all their stuff together for one thorough sale.  Love that concept.  We walked away with some good accessories as well as a solid end table to be painted [$2].  To our surprise, the houses in the neighborhood continued to be on spot with their prices and carried items with potential.  Britt and my spirits were major high as this point as our minds saw all the possibilities unfolding in front of us.  Remember, Britt and I are both in our early twenties working with entry level pay.  AKA- incredibly tight budget.  Of course, we aren't stressed because we are committed.

I had a hard time pulling Britt away from these beauties... lol

Walked away without this [because of space in the car].
But for $5, this is ideal for a makeover.

My vase for $.25.  Add white pray paint.  Beautiful  faux milk glass maybe?

Vintage glasses anyone? 50 cent. 

We were excited to pull up to one sale. As I put the car in park, the truck in front of me had reverse lights turn on. In that moment, I realized he was coming tomorrow me.  My reaction was incredibly delayed as I lost all sense as to how to reverse my own car. Finally, I honked at the truck, just as his tail made contact with my bumped.  Oops.  I told him, "No harm, no foul" and proceeded on to the sale...
And the infamous fender bender... 

Awful pic, I know. But these are our treasures.  

In the background, you'll notice the black chair.  The cane seat is in perfect condition.  The chair back needs some TLC [well, more specifically, liquid nails], but I am anxious to nurse it back to health.  Stay tuned for afters.  The whole room of goodies amounts to about $25, spent between the two of us.  
Over all, this day was a great success.  We had a few run-ins about prices that got heated, but nothing we weren't prepared to handle.  [Mainly, one lady who I believe I recognized from an episode of hoards {sorry, that's harsh} refused to knock 25 cent off a mason jar price! "It's an antique. You know it, I know it. It remains $.75"]

I'll keep you updated as we take on these projects. Hopefully, we'll have something beautiful in the end to share and leave you with a little bit of inspiration.. 


weekend wrap-up.

Monday is winding down and for some reason, I am at the office exhausted!  The weekend was yet again full to the brim with excitement, which left me no time for catch up on sleep.  You saw the added door... so that on top of other house projects and fun things happening at the Creek, it was nonstop... 

I did manage to find time to do a little update on this lovely bench... 

Found this fabric at Hobby Lobby... Surprised and excited to find something with the 2 purples on my walls [bedroom & bathroom] as well as gray and green from my bedding.  I added some extra cushion.  And used left over paint.  The whole project was right under $10.  

I spent some quality time with the kids at Stevens Creek working on our dance numbers for the upcoming kids musical.  The group did a pre-view at church yesterday.  All 3 services will wipe you out, but boy was it fun to the max.  So proud of that crew.

And... I did make my way out to a corn maze with some good people.  We went to Steed Farm in Grovetown.  The maze was great along with all the attractions.
hiding in the maze.  

umm...loads of fun.  i think its a jumping pillow?

perfect hayride.
[Bless the ladies heart... I don't think she'd ever worked a camera.]
And of course, ended the week handing out candy to some sweet neighbors.  I was able to re-use my homemade tu-tu for a costume. [What girl doesn't dream of being a ballerina?]
All in all, good good weekend! 

Door DIY

well. i came home from work on Friday to discover this.

Dad had a little too much free time on his hands I guess.... Tore out my existing car port door and decided to replace it with a brand new one!  Alone.  So, the above was around 5pm...he had been working since 3ish.  
 Some time past, it got dark, and there was still no door hung.  And this is not a project you can leave undone.  Poor mom got roped into dedicating her Friday night to my door and soon, we saw some progress!
There she is... a new, crisp car port door!  Perfectly installed via the Baker's :)