
yep. it's my birthday.

Woke up today and suddenly, I am 22.  Crazy times.  Growing up is an interesting thing.  Through college, my cousin and I celebrate our birthday's together.  [her's is Sept. 7].  So freshman year, we started this wonderful phenomenon, birthweek. During birthweek, we celebrated in some form every night of the designated week.  And we surely didn't play.  Our celebrations were memorable and cherished by all those involved.  Trust me.  Anyway, it's tough to follow 4 incredible years of bday celebrating.  Now- in my grown up life, I had to get up and go to work just like normal.  Not only that, but I have to actually be productive and get things done.  [However, I did ask Mom- the boss- for a personal day.  Yes, she basically laughed in my face.] Upon showing up to work, I did receive this wonderful happy birthday from my lovely co-worker Lisa [yes, the accomplice at the pj wearing Craigslist house].
So the answer is yes, on days like today, I feel so loved and appreciated! To all my friends, thanks for being so wonderful!
Well here is my brief and fast house update.  It is finally starting to feel...well, semi-complete.  We are done with sheet rock mess and Dad has done an incredible job of finishing off the end of my hallway.  [First, remember where we started.  This is where those sweet boys took out my wall.  And,this is where Mom and Dad patched the ceiling in a major way.  I know the before pic is blurry, but you kind of get the idea]
Before.  Well, after we started taking down the walls. Before it was all gone.

It's incredible the affect of finishing off the edges.  This makes me SO excited.  
Aside from this, we have now,
-Completely completed one spare bedroom except for baseboards [i.e. ceiling and walls-done]
-Fully paint the master bedroom walls/ ceiling- Plum Wine [this was somewhat of a fiasco.  You see, I bought semi-gloss...what was I thinking- which looked terrible and lead to the previously mentioned break down]
-Fully painted the hall bath walls/ceiling - major undertaking!!!! yellow kept seeping through the colors??- Ballet Slipper walls and white ceiling :)
-Not to mention, the ENTIRE house is primed and most of the living room ceiling is complete.
Yall just aren't ready for how beautiful is all is going to be! Lol
I know yall are tired of hearing of the house.... 
And I have pics I want to share from the best life group ever, but remember that crashed hard drive? Yep, still has yet to bounce back. So maybe I'll share those tomorrow...
Anyway, I hope yall enjoy my birthday today!!! Have a slice of cake to celebrate. Cheers

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