

So, we all have those embarrassing moments that we are able to laugh off and just take in stride.  Well, these moments tend to make up most of my day, so I have a great grasp on how to deal with recovering from such instances. However, this post isn't about a moment I was able to laugh off and recover from...
*disclaimer:  I am under the impression that 97% of my readers are females and the other 3% are husbands that have to hear about my blog from their wives as they read my entries.  So, based on those facts, I feel like this is appropriate to share.
Let me back up.  I've mentioned my sweet sweet life group that meets on Monday nights.  Well last night, we met at Dr. Drew's house for pizza and Balderdash [or what I affectionately call Bangladesh, for obvious reasons]. During renovation time, I typically attend in paint clothes, but last night, felt the need to be dressed cute [you know- we all have those days...].  I picked out my cute little floral button down and paired it with some shorts.  Well, Dr. has this perfect square table that we love utilizing.  I was sitting across from 2 fellas with the ladies to my sides.  After dinner, we pulled out the game and I noticed the girl to my right motioning for me to turn around.  I turned and looked at the wall,  noticed nothing, so turned back to the table.  At which point, I saw the guys across hang their heads in embarrassment and she motioned to my top.  I looked down and low and behold, I had unintentionally given the table a show. Yep, buttons had managed to come undone past my midriff.  Now, as mentioned, I can typically handle these moments with grace, but this situation was beyond me. I excused myself from the table and worked to regain focus, realizing that the boys were probably more unnerved that I was.  
In hindsight, I wish I could go back, erase the look of terror from my face, and react with a witty remark that eased the awkwardness from the table.  But, I guess if I could go back, what I should really do is put on an undershirt huh?.....  

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