

As you may know, I've been slowly working to make my house a home.  Now that I've lived here for 2 years, I'd say there has been some great progress... of course, one project at a time.  

So after finishing the kitchen update - I began the search for affordable bar stools.  I happened across these on a visit to Ikea and without much thought, went for them! [Ingolf, white, $69]
After a few months of having them around, I noticed that the tops of the chairs were getting scratched and little spots of paint would be missing.  [Now, I must take full responsibility for this.  I used the chairs during the cabinet painting process and I believe the hinges dug into the chairs.  My error.]
How to fix this?!  With a lovely seat cushion of course! So the search for cushions began. Unfortunately, after a few mispurchases, I could NOT find the right size anywhere! Then one night, it finally hit me.  DIY. 

I found some great outdoor fabric at Hancock.  Perfect for wiping clean and resisting spills.  I believe I bought 2 yds or so?  $14 worth.  

 I also purchased this sheet of foam.  For cost purposes, I went with the one inch thickness.  Again... about $14 worth of foam.
As you can tell, I removed the chair seats and traced the outline onto the foam & cut.

With my handy dandy staple gun, I covered each seat...nothing fancy.  And...Ta Da!!

I actually covered 4 chairs.  At around $30 worth of supplies and probably 30 minutes worth of assembly time, I love how this project turned out :)

Be inspired.